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Bird & Brass

Hand Painted Bible - Sparrows

Hand Painted Bible - Sparrows

Regular price $135.00 USD
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 Experience the beauty of God's creation, captured on a creative canvas.  Painted by hand and each one unique, these beautiful bibles are designed to be a keepsake that can be treasured for generations to come.   

They make the most thoughtful gifts for birthdays, graduations, anniversaries, weddings, new babies or just as something special and lovely for yourself.   

This bible features sparrows on a rose gold colored leathertouch She Reads Truth Bible.  It is painted by Erika Pfluke, B&B shopkeeper and artist, n Watkinsville, Georgia.   

Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. But even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not, therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows.

Matthew 10:29-31


Inspired by the She Reads Truth mission of "Women in the Word of God every day,” the She Reads Truth Bible is thoughtfully and artfully designed to highlight the beauty, goodness, and truth of Scripture.

Featuring 66 pieces of beautiful key verse art, reading plans for each book, as well as helpful map, charts, and timelines, our heart for the She Reads Truth Bible is not to add to or improve on the perfect and complete gift of Scripture God has given us. Rather, our heart is for everything we’ve included in this Bible to point back to God and His Word. 

Every human word and element in this book is an intentional invitation for you to both read Scripture and grow in your affection for it.



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